Victory After Defeat; Finding Hope After Loss.

victory after defeat finding hope after Loss
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Overview/ synopsis A brief, uplifting, yet realistic perspective on life after experiencing disappointments, failures, and loss. A reminder of our source of hope.

“Sometimes you can try as hard as you can, position yourself up to win, do all the right things, play the right cards and still lose.


This truth in itself can be very discouraging, and can definitely cause many to ponder: what is the benefit of attempting a great feat, if there’s a small chance you’ll walk away successful, and a greater chance your time and efforts will be either lost or wasted.

The latter is indeed a logical response to life’s challenges, because in life there are no guarantees! But here’s why you should try anyways and the answer is:

There is always HOPE!

Life is full of trials and obstacles, and all of them are placed in our path so that we may overcome: (ROMANS 8:37: Now we are more than conquerors through him who loved us) . We go through trials that are meant to teach us and refine us.

As a believer, we know that there is always hope, joy and beauty to be found, and important lessons to be learned from every mistake, setback, trial, fail, fall, win, and every loss.

Business The Next Step Next Success
geralt / Pixabay

So what do we do when we experience failure and loss?…

As a person of faith your job is to trust God, and understand that his plans and ideas are way bigger and better than your own. As our loving father and creator, he only wants the best for us, he sees us, and knows us better than we could ever see ourselves.

Oftentimes our value gets misconstrued by the thoughts and perceptions and the values of men, but a man can not give you value, nor can he take it away. God saw that you were valuable so he put you here, gave you grace, knowledge and, wisdom, and your worth comes from him alone.

Just know that if you’re here, he put you here for a reason, and all that you are going through is not a mere coincidence, he wants you to come to a better understanding and knowledge of him, yourself and the world around you.

So stop forcing things and relax, God is the author and he is always in control. Your healing, your elevation, and restoration will happen exactly when they’re meant to.

Girl Meditation Sunset Sea Coast
sitoruiz / Pixabay

Whatever troubles you’re going through don’t give up. Find comfort in God’s promises and his word. If you remain in him, and he in you, then no matter the troubles or how high the tide God will see you through.

Remember: this is not even your final destination, there’s a place in heaven set on high just waiting for you, that no man can touch or tarnish or take away, where there’s no darkness, and no pain, or suffering.

And here on Earth we only see pieces and glimpses of it. The good or the light we see in others, the potential we see in ourselves, the love we have for one another, the joy, and laughter, comfort and rest, God too has this abundantly for us, if we stand fast in what we believe.

So take hope, if you suffer, have faith, and believe in him, when facing obstacles and trials. No matter what your enemy does, or tries to do, your victory lies in God and you have already won, and if you haven’t won yet then it isn’t the end!

hope, after loss, victory after defeat, hope in God.

1 John 4:4 But you belong to God my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

Your value and worth comes from God alone, you are his child, you belong to him, and that is all that MATTERS!!

If you found this Blog post helpful or enjoyable please like, comment and share!
And take a look at some other encouraging scriptures, about Victory straight from the source:
1st John 5:4
Psalms 62:7
1 Corinthians 15:54
Exodus 15:2
Isiah 12:2

Check out this Blog Post for more inspiration! Click Here


5 Amazing Ways to Experience Growth this Year.

Try New Things.

One of the best ways to experience growth is by getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things! There is something so exhilarating, scary, YET rewarding about attempting something you’ve never done before. Take a new class, learn a new skill, try out a sport or hobby you’d normally pass on. No one’s saying you’re going to be great at it, but trying and failing at something new is better than not having tried anything at all.

So it’s time to pull out that notebook and start drafting that bucket list! 

Travel. See New Places.

Travel, travel, travel. Although Covid 19 is imposing new restrictions on us. You can still get where you need to go as long as you do it safely. 

Now of course everyone isn’t able to drop everything and hop on a flight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get out and do some exploring locally in your city, town or neighborhood! The point is, you need to get out more, make time for a walk or even a road trip, just make sure you get out and explore, meet new people, see new things and most importantly discover, make new memories, and  enjoy!

Set Goals. Stick To Them.

Everyone has heard of having New Year’s resolutions, but let;s be honest; how many of us actually stick with them after the first few weeks of January. (Not many, right, I know ) But this time around you have a chance to change that narrative. Set goals, make a plan, and actually stick to it! 

Obviously you had those New Year resolutions for a reason, perhaps you wanted to lose those extra pounds or put some extra cash towards your summer getaway. The point is, if you make a plan and stick to it, you will be happier, and thank yourself in the long run! So no matter what it is, whether big or small. Set your goals and intentions for the year and promise to see them through.

Invest In Yourself, Invest Your Money.

 If you haven’t already, it’s time to INVEST. A super huge and awesome way you can experience growth this year is by making yourself a priority. Invest in yourself, invest in your health, invest in your dreams and goals, invest in your future and most certainly INVEST your money! Start making smart investments now that will pay off in the future! Get educated and knowledgeable about various investment opportunities available to you. Take a class or course, or get a coach!

The best part is you don’t have to invest your life’s savings, but with all the services and apps available today, it’s never been easier to grow your assets and become an investor, (the most important part is to do your research first! Find out what’s comfortable and what works for you.

Forgive Yourself and Others.

 As the saying goes. Yesterday is gone, the future is uncertain, and tomorrow is not promised. Stop holding onto grudges and mistakes from your past, that time is gone and you will never get it back. It’s time to LET IT GO! It’s time to start looking towards the future with new found focus and intentions, but in order to do so, you have to learn how to forgive yourself and others.

Sometimes we inhibit our growth by hanging onto things we cannot change. It’s time to forgive yourself, move on, let the past stay in the past and be free!

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2020 Year In Review “Count your blessings not your problems”

2020 worst year ever


I’m sure we all felt it would be a golden year. A year for achieving goals, and going after whatever it is that we want..
Instead 2020 has humbled us and changed us in more ways than one. It will indeed be a year that many of us will never forget.


Kobe Bryant’s sudden death in a helicopter crash in January, along with the deaths of his 13 year old daughter and everyone else on board, set the shocking and somber tone of tragedy and despair for the year to come.

So much has happened since then, with the surge of Covid, the mysterious, contagious respiratory illness sweeping in and claiming the lives of more than 200,000 Americans, and millions more around the Globe;


Along with an explosion of civil unrest throughout the nation brought on by unjust killings of unarmed persons of color, ie. George FLoyd, and Breonna Taylor, who was shot and killed by police in her own home, and countless others who were slain without receiving justice: sparked thick tension, marches, riots, protests and violence, not only in the US, but all around the world.


Our sense of normality is gone. People are ordered to stay home, social distance, quarantine, wear masks, and look at the media, which seems to be all we are allowed to do. A media whose only goal is for you to see what only the Elites of our world would like you to see.


Capitalizing on the effects and death rates of Covid, spreading fear, panic and hopelessness throughout the nation and around the World . All for what. A plan? An Agenda? A master reset?

I sincerely hope whatever plans they had hoped to accomplish fails.

And while we all had plans of some sort, 2020 was the year that showed us that: we may plan, but God decides.

It has been a historical year indeed with the biggest and most controversial election to date. A country divided right down the middle between Black and White, & Blue and Red. -And while the tragedy, and the animosity of this year has been magnified like bacteria under a microscope. 2020 has brought many things into perspective for most people.

2020 election

It has stripped many of us, from homes, jobs, people, loved ones, normality, and at times even our own sanity. Like a harsh slap in the face, this year has brought to our attention, many of the things that are most important in life like; God, our faith, ourselves, and the people we love.

It has also been a constant and consistent reminder that although the life we live is short, God is always in control.

Treat yourself good, live in the moment, value the time you have with the ones you love and drop the ones that don’t.

Whatever you are going to do, do it. Don’t wait, stop living in fear, live life with no regrets, tell people you love them, and be thankful for everything you have. 2020 has been rough for all of us but I dare you to focus on the good. (Try this Exercise: make a collage or a board with the good things or the blessings you have received this year, use pictures, use words, but gather them up and see just how good God has been, and don’t forget the fact that you are able to read this is a blessing too!)

Go forward in God, peace, love, and victory! Love and light – Marleana B.

Enjoyed this post check out my previous post 7 Signs You May Be Experiencing Spiritual Warfare Here


7 Powerful Affirmations To Thwart Off Jealousy and Comparison

Let’s be real! We live in a digital age, where it is extremely easy to fall into traps of comparison.  There is so much pressure to look, act and be like those around us, ESPECIALLY on social media!

Girl Teen Caf%C%A Smartphone Sorrow Social Media, Jealously, comparison, envy AFfirmations
nastya_gepp / Pixabay

 That’s why I compiled this short but great list of affirmations to center your thoughts and thwart off those negative feelings of jealousy and comparison!
Feeling that anxious, dreadful feeling well have a look at the slides below
for a few reminders, that life is not a race, and there is simply no need to be envious of others. Where you are, is right where you need to be.

Here they are again in list form

✅1 Other women are not my competition!

✅2 what’s for me is for me.

✅3 I am unique and so is my journey 

✅4 God has a plan and a purpose for my life .

✅5 No one is above or beneath me

✅6 I am blessed. 

✅7 I have everything I need within me to succeed 

7 Powerful Affirmations To Thwart Off Jealousy and Comparison

Keep your vibe high! ❌comparison, ❌envy, ❌jealousy are low vibes that do nothing for you. The next time you feel yourself slipping into one of these moods take a look at this list of affirmations : Read it, say it, write it ✍️

Enjoyed this post?! Follow me on Instagram for more inspirational, relatable and encouraging posts.

Attractive Beautiful Girl Model

5 Simple Ways To Adapt A Winning Mindset

Everyone wants to win, but not everyone has what it takes to win. The only thing you need to be successful is a winning mindset. Success is difficult for some because they just aren’t capable of changing the way they think! The good news is that, it doesn’t have to be you! So here are 5 Simple Ways To Adapt A Winning Mindset.

Artificial Intelligence Brain Think
geralt / Pixabay

1. Think Positive

Although simple, thinking positive is not always easy to do. Life is raging around us and happening to us every single day. Many people are dying, others are being killed, raped, kidnapped etc. Life is not always easy or good to us, things change and sometimes they take a turn for the worst but, you must try your best to not let these things affect you.

Sadness Sad Depression Alone Girl
Roxx3162 / Pixabay

No matter what the circumstances are around you, you have to be able to cultivate positive thoughts. The more you focus on the negative aspects of life, the more negative: thoughts, feelings, information, and incidents will flow to you. This type of negative information will clog your mind and make it difficult to focus on the things you should actually be focused on.

When you feel yourself thinking negatively, train yourself to stop in mid thought, and focus on something else. The more you focus on the positive, the more positive thoughts, information, ideas and opportunities you’ll come across. Which leads to number 2

2.Have a Spirit of Gratitude

The 2nd simple way to adapt a winning Mindset is to be genuinely thankful or grateful. When you start to focus on the good, and the abundance of what you do have, and the things around you, (not just material things, but life and health it’s self) you begin to attract more of those things to you. That’s why it’s so important to count your blessings!

Girl Lying On The Grass Girl Legs
xusenru / Pixabay

3.Be Assertive

In order to adapt a winning mindset you need to be firm in your mind, in your goals, and in what you believe in. If you want to win, you have to know that you are going to win, and that there are no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. If you leave room for an if, or a but, or a maybe, then you have already set yourself up to fail. Those if’s, and maybe’s leaves room for lack of motivation, lack of discipline, and plenty of room for error. So if you have a goal, or a dream, or an idea, then you need to get firm about it in your mind, be unwavering, and stick to it.

Attractive Beautiful Girl Model
Pexels / Pixabay

4. Be Patient

Being patience is hard for a lot of us. Everything in this day and age is immediately placed at our fingertips, and it better run smooth, and not buffer or delay, or we’ll catch an attitude! But if you want to adapt a winning mindset you are going to have to learn how to be patient. Good things take time, and lot’s of hard work. The bible speaks on the importance of patience

James 1:4 : But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

If you want something done, and you want it done right, you have to be patient.

Train Station Adult City Indoors
Pexels / Pixabay

5.Be Flexible

Lastly for this list is to be flexible. If you want to adapt a winning mindset you are going to have to be open to change, and learning new things. Keep this in mind. Successful people are always learning, adapting, and applying new things. New methods, and strategies are always on the rise, and techniques change. As you grow and life changes you have to be able to evolve and adapt mentally as well. Your flexibility will contribute to the longevity of your success, so be malleable, we were meant to change.

Time For A Change New Ways Letters
Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay


We all have that thing that’s been locked away, deep in our minds from the furthest reaches of our day to day thoughts. We’ve considered doing “it” for quite sometime, but somehow, we always find an excuse to put it off; whether it be writing that long awaited book, taking that dream vacation, trying out that brand new restaurant or fitness class, or even, striking up the nerve to ask that cute guy or girl on a date…

We’ve all been there.

For a fleeting moment an idea seems great, fun, exciting even, but moments later the rational side our brain awakens, beats this great idea down, and locks it away as a possibility for, maybe another time. Which usually never happens, and is rarely thought of ever again.

Well, here are five reasons to finally do that thing.

  1. Life is Short.

Unfortunately, we never know when our time will be up. On average most people live to be about 70 years old. Although that may seem like a long time, it really isn’t.

Think of your current age now: are you 20, 30, 40, 50?

Now ask yourself: Did it take long to get here?

If you answered no, imagine living that amount of time again, (20, 30, 40, years) but this time you have aged, and your health isn’t all that it used to be. You can’t climb Mount. Everest, or visit Machu Pichu from your deathbed.  So don’t wait till later, because you may never get another chance to.

      2. The Possibilities are endless.

You never know where trying new things might lead you. Chances are, you’ll meet new people, make new friends, find opportunities, learn some things, fall in love, or make some money while you’re at it. Maybe you have a great invention that world needs to know about, but…

      3. You will never know if you don’t try.

You can never know what’s on the other side of the door, if you never open it. (Unless the door is made of glass then you would just look, but for this case lets say the door is metal or wood…How can you reap the benefits of something if you never do it? You must apply yourself, no one else can do it for you.  

       4. It may have a positive impact on your life and others.

Yes, meeting your soulmate is great, and cash is great also, but what about your mental health, and your physical state of being.Taking care of yourself should always be your top priority, (I know, it’s easier said than done, but it’s still absolutely true) so, why not sign up for that dance class, or go biking or jogging to get fit. Who knows, your success may also inspire others.

       5. Do it, If it makes you happy.

Of course, if you enjoy doing something, then do it, and when you do, give it your all. As long as you’re not hurting or killing anyone, why not? Life is about finding our place in the world and doing what makes us happy, healthy and productive. If it makes you happy, then chances are, you are doing what’s best for you. So get out there, start living life to the fullest, and enjoying all the things that you want to do before it’s too late.

So Go Ahead, Just Do The Darn Thing!

20 powerful motivational quotes

20 Powerful Motivational Inspirational Quotes

20 Powerful Motivational Inspirational quotes

  • 20 motivational inspirational quotes
  • 20 motivational inspirational quotes
  • 20 motivational inspirational quotes
  • 20 Motivational Inspirational quotes
  • 20 Motivational Inspirational Quotes
  • 20 motivational inspirational quotes
  • 20 motivational inspirational Quotes
  • 20 motivational inspirational quotes

If you’re Looking for motivation you’ve come to the right place to be inspired, and empowered. Whether you are looking for a quick confidence boost, motivational screen saver, or some fresh content for your social media feed. Scroll through this list of 20 Powerful motivational Inspirational Quotes, save them pin them, repost them and let me know which one is your favorite down below in the comments. (If you decide to repost on Instagram or social media don’t forget to tag me for credit Enjoy the feed, the will be more coming in future posts!

20 motivational inspirational quotes
  1. If you have a vision stick to it. Don’t let anyone’s opinions or views stop you from achieving your goals. Follow
20 motivational inspirational quotes

2. Everyone starts at the bottom. It takes a lot of hard work, faith, and vision to get to the top. Follow

20 Motivational Inspirational Quotes

3. Everyone is not going to love you or like what you do, this doesn’t matter, don’t let that stop you from doing what you need to do. Follow

20 motivational inspirational quotes

4. You are allowed to choose yourself over the people who hurt you. It’s not selfish. It’s self respect. It’s self love. Follow

20 motivational inspirational quotes

5. You are amazing. You are smart. You are wonderful. You are beautiful. You are kind. You are worthy. Follow

20 Motivational Inspirational quotes

6. Truly knowing your worth means being lonely, horny, bored, independent, and single if that’s what it takes to keep from settling for less. Follow

20 motivational inspirational Quotes

7. Life will improve as you improve, keep working on yourself. Follow

8. Close some doors, not because of pride, incapacity, or ignorance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere. Follow

9. Those plans you have, start doing them. There will never be a perfect moment to begin. Follow

10. You only get one shot at life. So take the bow, take a deep breath, be patient, aim steady and take your best shot. Follow

11. You are worth finding, worth knowing, worth loving. You and all your one million layers. Always hold that close. Follow

12. You are the only one responsible for your success and your failures, your fate and destiny are in your own hands. Follow

13. Visualize your highest self, and start showing up as her. Follow

14. There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking. Follow

15. The most dangerous person at the table is the one who truly knows his or her worth, and moves accordingly. Follow

16. Let go of comparing. Let go of competing. Let go of judgments. Let go of anger. Let go of regrets. Let go of worrying. Let go of blame. Let go of guilt. Let go of fear. Follow

20 motivational inspirational quotes

17. Dream, explore, enrich your mind. Take nothing for granted. Strive to live each moment like it’s your last. Follow

18. You are beautifully unique. No one else is exactly like you. Use that to your advantage. Follow

20 powerful motivational inspirational quotes

19. Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. Follow

20 powerful motivational inspirational quotes
20 powerful motivational inspirational quotes

20. Getting your shit together requires a level of honesty you can’t even imagine. There’s nothing easy about realizing you’re the only one that’s been holding you back. Follow

Enjoyed these 20 motivational inspirational quotes follow my Instagram for more motivation and inspiration. Don’t forget to let me know which quotes were your favorite in the comments!

For more inspirational post on this blog visit here

embracing change


“Embrace Uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters of our lives won’t have a title until much later.” –Bob Goff

Accepting or embracing change can be difficult, painful even. It’s the reason why we procrastinate and put off those important projects and ideas that have the potential to change our lives.

The truth is in some way, shape, or form, we are scared; scared of what change may bring, scared of the effort we may have to put in, scared to leave our comfort zone, afraid of the difficulties we may face.

Some of us are so scared of failure that we never even start down the road that could lead us to our greatest success.

Today I made a change. I left my average entry level position job as a cashier.

Although I have held this position for a year, I have grown comfortable in it, comfortable in the familiarity of it, comfortable in it’s daily repetitiveness, and the safety of my routine.

Staying would have been an easy thing to do, but taking the easy way out leaves no room for growth or change, which is a basic necessity of life. We need growth and change, or otherwise our dreams, and goals begin to die.

To be honest I’m more than scared about starting a new job, especially one I’ve never done. I’m not even sure I’m mentally prepared for it, but one thing I do know is that I have the chance to grow, and when life presents you with the opportunity you take it.

This post is a reminder to go after your goals and dreams no matter how terrifying and unreasonable they may seem. Of course there’s a 100 chances of not achieving success, but it’s a fact that you never will if you never try.

You only have two options; grow or die.

embracing change

Looking for more inspiration follow me on IG or to learn more about me click here



Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

-Oscar Wilde

Welcome to The Boss Millennial! My name is Marleana, and I will be your host/conductor for this ride. I’m glad you’re here because this journey isn’t meant to be taken alone, so come on in, get settled, we’re going to become the best of friends. It’s here on this blog, on this web page, where we are going to discuss this thing called life, the good, the bad, the virtuous and the evil, and the ugly along with the pretty.

It’s 2019, the world is a sweet but bitter place. If you’re not ready to laugh, cry, pray, grow, inspire or be inspired then this blog is not for you, and it’s time for you to go. We will be breaking all kinds of chains and boundaries concerning health, wealth, family, and relationships both physical, spiritual, and mental.

So thank you for being here and lets get ready to begin!

P.S. Stay connected Join me on Instagram

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Remember You’re the only one holding you back. Stop standing in your own way⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #realqueenskillingit #melanin #instadaily #blogger #mom #melaninmagic #melaninonfleek #blackgirlbloggers #blackgirlswhoblog #momlife #family #bossmom #blackentrepreneur #womenempoweringwomen #blackbeauty #blackgirlsrock #christianmom #god #jesus #girlswithcurls #explore #melaninpoppin #blackqueen #blackwomen #blackexcellence #fashion #hair #selflove #naturalhair #blackgirlmagic

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