What happens when you workout everyday for 30 days:

When you workout everyday for 3o days you turn your body into a lean, mean, fat burning, muscle machine and all your weight loss goals are achieved!
Sike, just kidding the latter part of that statement is completely untrue, unless your goal is to drop 3 to 5 pounds.
While a lot can change in 30 days, your results will vary based on your weight, diet, and of course the duration and stress level of your workout.
While exercise is a important part of weight loss, your diet plays a crucial part in the results you see.
If you’re going to consume a lot of sugar, carbs and processed food, during your 30 day workout then you might as well take a step back and rethink this whole fitness thing.
Consuming foods high in sugar, while exercising may even cause you to gain weight. So before you start your fitness journey make sure you’re also ready to make the necessary changes to your diet as well.
With all that being said here are some things you can expect when you workout everyday for 30 days.
Clearer Skin!

After the first week of working out, the first thing I noticed was brighter, clearer, skin! Before I had started my workouts I would look at myself in the mirror and feel like my skin had a dullness to it.
Exercising is a great way to help your body expel toxins lying dormant underneath your skin. The more you workout, the more your skin will appear healthy and start to take on a natural glow!
More Energy

The second thing I noticed after working out for a few weeks was that I had more energy than usual.
I had more energy to do thing around the house, take my kids to the park, walking places, and running up steps in general. I noticed that I would be less out of breath when walking my daughters to and from school.
Because I incorporated jogging into some of my workouts, both my legs and lungs began to feel stronger.
Slimmer Appearance

The goal is to have a smaller waistline. The problem is that you might not see a drastic change after working out for 30 days. While I didn’t measure my waistline for changes in my circumference (which probably would have been a good idea) I did notice that my physique had a slimmer appearance, mainly in my arms, face, and chest.
What I did during my 30 day fitness challenge:
Seeing those small results and changes can really motivate you to continue on with your weight loss journey. The key to meeting your weight loss goals is to be consistent with both your dieting and exercise. Don’t stop at 30 days keep going!
My biggest challenge was establishing a healthy diet. Eating, more specifically snacking has always been a challenge for me. I’ve always been serial snacker.
Depression mixed with stress, anxiety, and a slew of other emotions made me an emotional wreck and a binge eater. I made the huge mistake of believing I could still have my snacks, thinking I’d just burn it off during my workout, which actually prevented me from seeing much movement on the scale.
I didn’t have a set time for doing my workouts, besides for in the afternoon, after work, or in the evenings. My workouts either consisted of a 15 minute jog around the block, or my favorite 30 minute Tae Bo workout video which I’ll link here.
Did I exercise every single day of the whole month: No. It was my goal to exercise every single day for 30 days, and out of those 30 days I missed a total of 2 days.
Was every day perfect, no. Was I always motivated, definitely not, but I didn’t give up.
I believe doing the 30 day fitness challenge is a great way to inspire yourself and jump start your fitness journey, even if you don’t continue to workout, every single day, keep your body moving, and get your heart pumping at least 4 or 5 times a week.
Where are you on your fitness challenge? Are you taking the 30 day fitness challenge? What are your weight loss goals, share your progress with me down below!
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