I’m sure we all felt it would be a golden year. A year for achieving goals, and going after whatever it is that we want..
Instead 2020 has humbled us and changed us in more ways than one. It will indeed be a year that many of us will never forget.

Kobe Bryant’s sudden death in a helicopter crash in January, along with the deaths of his 13 year old daughter and everyone else on board, set the shocking and somber tone of tragedy and despair for the year to come.
So much has happened since then, with the surge of Covid, the mysterious, contagious respiratory illness sweeping in and claiming the lives of more than 200,000 Americans, and millions more around the Globe;

Along with an explosion of civil unrest throughout the nation brought on by unjust killings of unarmed persons of color, ie. George FLoyd, and Breonna Taylor, who was shot and killed by police in her own home, and countless others who were slain without receiving justice: sparked thick tension, marches, riots, protests and violence, not only in the US, but all around the world.

Our sense of normality is gone. People are ordered to stay home, social distance, quarantine, wear masks, and look at the media, which seems to be all we are allowed to do. A media whose only goal is for you to see what only the Elites of our world would like you to see.

Capitalizing on the effects and death rates of Covid, spreading fear, panic and hopelessness throughout the nation and around the World . All for what. A plan? An Agenda? A master reset?
I sincerely hope whatever plans they had hoped to accomplish fails.
And while we all had plans of some sort, 2020 was the year that showed us that: we may plan, but God decides.

It has been a historical year indeed with the biggest and most controversial election to date. A country divided right down the middle between Black and White, & Blue and Red. -And while the tragedy, and the animosity of this year has been magnified like bacteria under a microscope. 2020 has brought many things into perspective for most people.

It has stripped many of us, from homes, jobs, people, loved ones, normality, and at times even our own sanity. Like a harsh slap in the face, this year has brought to our attention, many of the things that are most important in life like; God, our faith, ourselves, and the people we love.

It has also been a constant and consistent reminder that although the life we live is short, God is always in control.
Treat yourself good, live in the moment, value the time you have with the ones you love and drop the ones that don’t.

Whatever you are going to do, do it. Don’t wait, stop living in fear, live life with no regrets, tell people you love them, and be thankful for everything you have. 2020 has been rough for all of us but I dare you to focus on the good. (Try this Exercise: make a collage or a board with the good things or the blessings you have received this year, use pictures, use words, but gather them up and see just how good God has been, and don’t forget the fact that you are able to read this is a blessing too!)
Go forward in God, peace, love, and victory! Love and light – Marleana B.

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