Victory After Defeat; Finding Hope After Loss.

victory after defeat finding hope after Loss
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Overview/ synopsis A brief, uplifting, yet realistic perspective on life after experiencing disappointments, failures, and loss. A reminder of our source of hope.

“Sometimes you can try as hard as you can, position yourself up to win, do all the right things, play the right cards and still lose.


This truth in itself can be very discouraging, and can definitely cause many to ponder: what is the benefit of attempting a great feat, if there’s a small chance you’ll walk away successful, and a greater chance your time and efforts will be either lost or wasted.

The latter is indeed a logical response to life’s challenges, because in life there are no guarantees! But here’s why you should try anyways and the answer is:

There is always HOPE!

Life is full of trials and obstacles, and all of them are placed in our path so that we may overcome: (ROMANS 8:37: Now we are more than conquerors through him who loved us) . We go through trials that are meant to teach us and refine us.

As a believer, we know that there is always hope, joy and beauty to be found, and important lessons to be learned from every mistake, setback, trial, fail, fall, win, and every loss.

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So what do we do when we experience failure and loss?…

As a person of faith your job is to trust God, and understand that his plans and ideas are way bigger and better than your own. As our loving father and creator, he only wants the best for us, he sees us, and knows us better than we could ever see ourselves.

Oftentimes our value gets misconstrued by the thoughts and perceptions and the values of men, but a man can not give you value, nor can he take it away. God saw that you were valuable so he put you here, gave you grace, knowledge and, wisdom, and your worth comes from him alone.

Just know that if you’re here, he put you here for a reason, and all that you are going through is not a mere coincidence, he wants you to come to a better understanding and knowledge of him, yourself and the world around you.

So stop forcing things and relax, God is the author and he is always in control. Your healing, your elevation, and restoration will happen exactly when they’re meant to.

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Whatever troubles you’re going through don’t give up. Find comfort in God’s promises and his word. If you remain in him, and he in you, then no matter the troubles or how high the tide God will see you through.

Remember: this is not even your final destination, there’s a place in heaven set on high just waiting for you, that no man can touch or tarnish or take away, where there’s no darkness, and no pain, or suffering.

And here on Earth we only see pieces and glimpses of it. The good or the light we see in others, the potential we see in ourselves, the love we have for one another, the joy, and laughter, comfort and rest, God too has this abundantly for us, if we stand fast in what we believe.

So take hope, if you suffer, have faith, and believe in him, when facing obstacles and trials. No matter what your enemy does, or tries to do, your victory lies in God and you have already won, and if you haven’t won yet then it isn’t the end!

1 John 4:4 But you belong to God my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

Your value and worth comes from God alone, you are his child, you belong to him, and that is all that MATTERS!!

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And take a look at some other encouraging scriptures, about Victory straight from the source:
1st John 5:4
Psalms 62:7
1 Corinthians 15:54
Exodus 15:2
Isiah 12:2

Check out this Blog Post for more inspiration! Click Here
