First off; being a mother is the most challenging, emotional, painful, happiest, and rewarding job anyone could ever do! There is absolutely nothing in the World like the job of a mother, and for a single mother, it’s all of that times two.
Twice the pain, twice the challenge, twice the emotion, but it’s also twice the happiness, twice the love, and twice the reward too. At the end of the day Single mothers really are doing a job that was meant to be done by two.

Do I say this to take away from the significance of moms living in a two parent household? Absolutely Not, because I’ve been there too.
There are some women in two parent households who take the bulk of the responsibility of the parenting and the dad does absolute shit, doesn’t do anything, doesn’t help with anything, and honestly feels that he’s not supposed to.
These women I feel sorry for, because there’s absolutely nothing worse than being a mother and having to take care of your own children plus someone else’s grown one.

I know her. because I was her. In a way, the death of my relationship freed up some areas of responsibility, while dropping more pressure on others.
As a single mother the sole responsibility falls on you, and the burden becomes twice as heavy when the other parent decides to do the bare minimum, or in many cases nothing at all.

As a single mom you are left to become the sole provider, the breadwinner, the comforter, the coach, the teacher, the referee, the tutor, the planner, the nurse, the chef, the maid, the hairstylist, playmate etc…

You have to take on the role of both mom and dad, and at the end of the day you are supposed to be able to take care of yourself as well. Most women who are mother’s have a problem with this. There is simply so much to do, that it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything for yourself, resulting in sadness, depression, and other ailments. These situations become especially true for single mother’s who receive little or no support.

I can honestly say that on this Mother’s Day: while I am thankful, grateful, and blessed, I am burnt out. I’m tired, a little lonely, a little mad and a little sad. This day honoring mothers, for me is just another like any other day. I’m alone with my twin daughters and I’m struggling to play the roles of both mom and dad, the playmate, the nurse, the chef, the maid…
How DO You Feel About This Post? Are You A Single Mother? How Are You Feeling Today, And What Do You Do To Celebrate Mother’s Day?
Salute To MOMMIES Everywhere On Mother’s Day!
Leave Your Response In The Comment Section Below! Don’t forget to Follow me on Instagram @real.queens.killing.it

I can relate to this post. I was raised in a single-parent household where my father was never around. I am a single mother, whose children, thankfully have a very supportive and hands-on father. Even though my children’s father is around, it doesn’t replace a husband who would be in house to help raise our children.
Thanks for your feedback! I understand what you mean cuz at the end of the day the bulk of the responsibility is yours & it gets stressful, REAL stressful. But stay strong, it will get better????